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Ready to Improve Your Golf Game?
Dear Easingwold Golf club members,
Thank you so much for your patience with our continued development of professional services at your club. We have really been overwhelmed by the positive feedback we have received from the members, and we thank you for making us feel welcome.
It is important for you to now register into our new booking system to receive preferential rates on some of our services over others negotiated for you by your board.
You can now use this system to reserve and book lessons with either Josh or Craig. You can also book fittings now through the system.
The process is easy but if you are not confident in the technologies one of Josh or Finn in the shop will do this for you. Although the system will ask for credit card details there will be no payment taken its so if you want to book services going forward you can.
This registration is NOT a membership to the new indoor bays and that will be a monthly subscription you can sign up to. The first 30 signatories will receive preferential rates of £30 per month.
The members signing after that initial 30 receive heavily discounted rates but will pay more than the first 30 members registering. The charge will be £40 per month. The period of the subscription will be 12 months and a 3-month non-returnable payment will be charged if cancelled prior to the twelve months. The subscriptions are for 12 months.
Being a Play to Par member will allow you access to a bay or the putting facility and all the leading technology we have plus access to over 120 courses to play a round at Pinehurst, Royal Troon Beth Page Black Valderama and many others. We will also soon give access to courses in York. This membership gives access for one hour any day 365 days a year subject to availability.
If you want to use the bays more than once a month then being a Play to Par member will be preferential as the retail price for the public for two is £30 per hour.
The new membership bays will also combine indoor and outdoor capability with the new screen tech we are installing. Furthermore, the new location will allow tracking to be done but remember that you will still be using range balls which will require purchase.
Members on bays are solo but at the point of booking will be able to book two to four Easingwold Members if they are all registered. If people are not either Play to Par members or just friends, the system will allow this but charge £15 per person.
There will be a safe area behind the bays where colleagues and friends can wait safely before their turn
Example One
Two people from Easingwold sharing a bay where both are registered members to Play to Par no charge other than monthly subscription.
Example Two
One Easingwold Play to Par member bringing a guest will incur £15 charge for the guest allowing them to join.
To manage this, we will monitor membership to 150 as we feel this is a capacity we can provide. At that point we reserve the right to create a wait list or if we think capacity can be more at a further point. This is to ensure access can be available on priority to members of Play to Par and not Pay to play.
Please note you don’t have to be a play to par member to use the bays and these will be bookable on the same system on a pay as you play basis. The thing to consider is the periods in advance bays can be booked.
We would respectfully ask members don’t block out bays knowing they may not attend and be sensible in bookings. Below are the time spans available to various statuses. This will be stringently monitored by us.
Pay as you Play General Public and non-members
The ad hoc public and non-members can only book the same day at a premium rate (£40 per hour) they cannot see any bookings except for 72 hours further ahead unless they book same day premium. E.g. if today is Monday they cannot see any availability till Thursday.
Registered Easingwold General member
They will be able to book up to two weeks in advance BUT only at their preferential bay rate. They will be able to book the same day but at no premium charge.
Registered Easingwold Play to Par member and existing Play to Par Member from Poppleton
They will get the free daily hour and be able to book 6 weeks in advance, they can also make same day bookings at no premium charge.
We will be putting out FIVE NEW JOINTLY BRANDED brochures explaining all our services in the next few weeks once the shop extension is completed.
We will be having an official opening of the Play to Par facilities at Easingwold on Saturday 7th September. There will be previews and walk rounds organised for members as soon as all the facilities are finished. More on this directly from the club.
We will also be offering before then local and national business the opportunity to take space for advertising in various locations at Play to Par and if you or any colleagues are interested in this please contact me on [email protected]
If you have any specific questions on memberships or sign up, please feel free to ask in the shop and we will be delighted to help.
More will be coming over the next few weeks, but you may want to join our what’s app group on Play to Par Golf Academy.
Many thanks
David Butler Managing Director